I, need, sourcecodes

does anyone have a dropbox folder or something of sourcecodes? because I need sourcecodes now! now! now!


132 responses to “I, need, sourcecodes”

  1. radio729 avatar


  2. dylanmac2 avatar

    well, sorry, let me refraze that: does anyone except @radio729 have a folder of sourcecodes they can give me?

  3. radio729 avatar

    I have seen what can happen when some people, especially kids get a hold of random source code. It may start a lot of drama especially if more than two people are working on the same project.

  4. dylanmac2 avatar

    good story, but maybe put it in your own blog? because this thread is for the shairing of sourcecode, and not for some rando who is 36 years older than the blog creator to come in here and tell a bedtime story. ok? good.

  5. radio729 avatar

    I posted this in hopes that it would help but I guess not.

  6. dylanmac2 avatar

    help? help? help with what, ser?

  7. radio729 avatar

    As I said, I have seen what can happen when source code gets in the wrong hands. Drama could start and I’m trying to prevent you and others from getting involved in it but if you don’t want my help, whatever.

  8. mattcurtis3 avatar

    do you have to do this dylan? obviously your being a fake friend to david as well, since you do this shit repeetedly, why do you think I didn’t give you a second chance? because of this rite here, yeah, way to be a friend, huh?

  9. dylanmac2 avatar

    noone asked you fatty

  10. radio729 avatar

    If you don’t stop your crap, you could be in danger of losing a lot more friends. Stop! and! think! about! what! you! are! doing!!

  11. dylanmac2 avatar

    piss off creap

  12. radio729 avatar

    Again, I didn’t do a thing to deserve this. You are not behaving in a way that a person your age should. I know, you don’t care. Is that all you can say?

  13. dylanmac2 avatar

    do you not understand when someone doesn’t want to talk to you anymore, david, if this goes long enough, I am not above reporting you to an online abuse site

  14. mattcurtis3 avatar

    see? what did I tell you david, he’s fake!

  15. mattcurtis3 avatar

    sad I can’t follow this post without a stupid package.

  16. mattcurtis3 avatar

    This feature requires Courier premium package. Would you like to see the premium packages available? No

  17. dylanmac2 avatar

    skill issue

  18. dylanmac2 avatar

    you little bitch jonathan: GitHub – ytisf/theZoo: A repository of LIVE malwares for your own joy and pleasure. theZoo is a project created to make the possibility of malware analysis open and available to the public. – Google Chrome

  19. mattcurtis3 avatar

    see, the funny thing is, i didn’t want to follow this anyway, you make me sick the way your handling shit bruh

  20. blazy-enterprises avatar

    you fucking deserve malware at this fucking rate, hang tough, listen to some tesla, grow a vagina, and learn a thing or 2 from there music!!!

  21. radio729 avatar

    When you aren’t acting like a jerk to people, you can be a good person. I have seen it. You are funny. But when you act like you are now, I miss that. I’m not sure but it seems like you may be dealing with issues that you don’t know how to handle and your way of dealing with them is to lash out at people. Well, that is the wrong way to deal with things. You told me a while ago that you want help. I’m trying my best to help you out.

  22. dylanmac2 avatar

    firstly, matt, if you don’t want to follow this, then don’t: secondly, brandon, take your tesla and shove it up your ass you weird, weird fucker, this is why that girl you had a crush on fucking regected you, because you’re a fucking weird freak! and thirdly, david, noone cares about your fucking help! ok? fucking just fuck off you cunt ass bitch!

  23. radio729 avatar

    Dylan, you are being a mean, careless, jerk!

  24. dylanmac2 avatar

    fuck off david: noone wants your broken kidney ass arround here

  25. murderer avatar


  26. dylanmac2 avatar


  27. blazy-enterprises avatar

    I aint taken your shit dylan, in fact, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3cs1p2OHbk

  28. radio729 avatar

    As I said many, many times before, if you aren’t careful you are going to lose a lot more friends. I guess that is what you want? Keep it up and it might just happen! By the way, the other day you told me to kill myself? What if it really happened? How would it make you feel? How would you feel if somebody told you to go kill yourself? I just wish you would think before you speak! Is that understood?

  29. dylanmac2 avatar

    no, and by the way, you probably won’t be able to kill yourself, because your kidneys will do it for you

  30. mattcurtis3 avatar

    that is just sick dude, your sick sick sick! you must be going through some family issues to make you act like that. or maybe child abuse? because no normal person acts like that, unless you hate everyone for no reason.

  31. dylanmac2 avatar

    nah just david is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking anoying I just want to fucking grab him and fucking throw him off a clif

  32. radio729 avatar

    How the hell am I "annoying?"

  33. dylanmac2 avatar

    you are allways fucking everywheere and you don’t seem to knowwhen to fuck off

  34. Jonathan avatar

    RIP bro, this guy still has friends left? Also its a source code repo, what do you want?

  35. dylanmac2 avatar

    something that’s not fucking malware

  36. Jonathan avatar

    Just imagine how the life of this poor kid must be if he does such things IRL too. Go get help, only thing I can say about this.

  37. mattcurtis3 avatar

    agreed, you need help dylan, actuall mental help, because if you expect to have friends, you need a counsler because your becoming a psycho.

  38. manny_0211 avatar

    your going to lose friends if you keep this up

  39. blazy-enterprises avatar

    I hope you get banned from elten!

  40. blueguy avatar

    yeah dylan you are actually the prime example o an actual big fat black overweight nigger, of which none of these describes matt, matt is the best guy ever and it will stay that way.

  41. dylanmac2 avatar

    piss off giani, go plummit off a clif you autistic depressed cunt ass fucker

  42. radio729 avatar

    One of these days Dylan, you are going to thank me for helping you. When will that day be? Who knows?

  43. dylanmac2 avatar

    nah that’s not possible

  44. radio729 avatar

    We’ll see about that.

  45. dylanmac2 avatar

    yeah we will

  46. radio729 avatar

    In an earlier post, you claimed that I’m annoying, how would you like it if I said that you are annoying? I bet you wouldn’t like it, would you?
    You know Dylan, I consider you or I should say considered you my best friend. But the way you have been treating me lately is not how a friend should treat another friend.
    If we can ever work this whole thing out, great! But if not, it will be your loss, not mine.

  47. dylanmac2 avatar

    oh you want to fucking work it out, well we can

  48. blazy-enterprises avatar

    I should have never made you that private conference!

  49. dylanmac2 avatar

    and now you did, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  50. JimPickens avatar

    i uh, wtf? The levels of imaturety seen here from basicly everyone involved is amazing

  51. mattcurtis3 avatar

    well it’s dylan’s fault, maybe if he didn’t be a fake friend, faker then a stripper, then maybe this wouldn’t have hapened and we’d all be happy

  52. radio729 avatar

    You say you want to work this out? You said that before and it was a damn lie! How do I know if you are telling the truth? I guess I don’t untill it happens.
    I just can’t believe you would pull this crap! I am being a true friend, yes I said a true friend. Get that through your thick head, Dylanfake!

  53. dylanmac2 avatar

    dylanfake? hahahahahahahaha, interesting.

  54. blazy-enterprises avatar

    you are a dylanfake, you should be locked in a room with a speaker blasting tesla music on full blast, and me, matt, and everyone else would be laughing, and the song lonesome loozer is all about you.

  55. dylanmac2 avatar


  56. radio729 avatar

    You know why I called you that? You are being a fake friend. I said this before and I will say it again. You should be a shamed of yourself!

  57. dylanmac2 avatar

    well I’m not bitch, so go fuck yourself

  58. blazy-enterprises avatar

    I agree 200 percent

  59. The last 58 comments explain very well that dylanmac2 is a poor cunt which needs mental and psychical help. Dude, are you aware what you call out people and that it can ruine your long term future if you continue? I was also an idiot when I was 11 or 12, but not a that big one. Your poor brain should be reset to the state of an 8 year old individual of being, that is how you resemble yourself currently.
    Besides, yes, I have a 50 gb folder with sourcecodes but I’m not gonna share it to anyone unless the people which are my friends and which I trust. Nobody in this discussion belongs to that category as far as I am aware.

  60. dylanmac2 avatar


  61. murderer avatar

    imagine askin for bgt codes in 2024

  62. mattcurtis3 avatar

    why do you think I blew the deal off in the first place david? hmmm? radio729… Text: You know why I called you that? You are being a fake friend. I said this before and I will say it again. You should be a shamed of yourself! 2024-08-19 23:29:22

  63. radio729 avatar

    I think a lot of Dylan’s crap started after I introduced him to Dane. I regret telling Dylan about that server but how the hell did I know that this would happen? Dane’s server is also where Dylan met Sediment a.k.a. Dan A. I think Sediment was the one that influenced Dylan to hack TT servers. Also, I think he was inflenced by Dane a little bit. I told Dylan not to let himself get inflenced by Dane but of course, he didn’t listen.
    I don’t know why a lot of these people only seem to get influenced by bad stuff that other people do. I do not let myself get influenced by the negative stuff.

  64. mattcurtis3 avatar

    well, thats because dylan’s brains are kind of, put simply, under developed

  65. radio729 avatar


  66. dylanmac2 avatar

    so funny

  67. blazy-enterprises avatar

    so funny yet so true

  68. dylanmac2 avatar

    so funny I forgot to laugh

  69. mattcurtis3 avatar

    and dylan’s so funny I for got to smile, hell, I forgot to even react at this dam point in time, also listen to this dylan, maybe then you’ll get your balls, and maybe your friends back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5SzJgtCCH4

  70. dylanmac2 avatar

    ok I listened to it, and?

  71. mattcurtis3 avatar

    how was it?

  72. dylanmac2 avatar

    it was quite nice actually

  73. radio729 avatar

    Yeah, it was.

  74. mattcurtis3 avatar

    my favorite was the guitar solo in the middle of it

  75. dylanmac2 avatar


  76. mattcurtis3 avatar

    anyways, dylanfake, you called brandon an L, so my face is now ass

  77. dylanmac2 avatar

    brandon can suck the inner layer of my ballsack

  78. radio729 avatar

    When the hell are you going to stop treating people like dirt? What have they done to you that made you start treating them and me this way? As I said many, many, many times before, I did nothing to you and the same probably goes for the rest of them. Dylan, I get it. You are at the age where you are going to make mistakes but I just wish you would learn from the mistakes you are making!

  79. dylanmac2 avatar

    and when the hell are you going to fucking collaps onto the floor in a pool of your own blood? ceriously: just die already befor your kidneys do it for you

  80. radio729 avatar

    How would you fucking like it if you were told to go die? I bet you wouldn’t like it, would you? Come to think of it, you might not even care!

  81. dylanmac2 avatar


  82. radio729 avatar

    Dylan, I ment to ask you, how do you feel? Do you feel bad at all about how you are treating people? If I were you, I would.

  83. dylanmac2 avatar

    well you’re not me, and no, I don’t feel bad at all!

  84. radio729 avatar

    You know what? I am glad I’m not you! I don’t want to be fake like you, and how could you not feel bad about the way you are treating us? What a fucking jerk you are!

  85. dylanmac2 avatar


  86. radio729 avatar

    So you agree that you are a jerk? Wow. Maybe one of these days you will finally realize how horrible you have been acting towards people.

  87. dylanmac2 avatar


  88. radio729 avatar

    Oh I think you will realize it some day. You can’t keep being a troll for the rest of your life.

  89. dylanmac2 avatar

    really? well that’s where you’re wrong

  90. blindflatearthernewcomp avatar

    at this point even if you give good points over useing them isn’t going to make anyone listen more you realise that people tend to act hostile when they are stuck fighting people over and over about the same thing. If dilen doesn’t want to hear it anymore then why sit and fight with him it makes him more likly to not even consiter what you say. This goes for david and matt. Branden I don’t know why you are just tossing nonsense around acting like anyone is going to care. Dillen some of their points are some what valid but do refrane from telling people to kill them self not good for you if it happens.

  91. radio729 avatar

    @blindflatearthernewcomp I honestly don’t want to keep fighting but Dylan made me very angry. He started treating me like crap for no reason and this is not the first time he has done this. Each time he has done this, I have done nothing to him. I wonder if he gets enjoyment out of it. I know I wouldn’t.

  92. dylanmac2 avatar

    anger issues

  93. radio729 avatar

    Hmm, you have anger issues too.

  94. dylanmac2 avatar


  95. radio729 avatar

    Yep, at one point I think you even admited it.

  96. dylanmac2 avatar


  97. mattcurtis3 avatar

    dylan, you need to just, disappear from this earth. honestly, because all you are is a trole, and at this point moving forword, 1 thing I’ll take from this is to just ignore troles. because your an ass and you will always be 1

  98. dylanmac2 avatar

    I will

  99. radio729 avatar

    What he really needs to do is stop hanging out with people who troll others. He gets influenced by them.

  100. dylanmac2 avatar

    I did

  101. mattcurtis3 avatar

    really? well then who’d you blow off?

  102. dylanmac2 avatar

    the fuck do you mean by blow off?

  103. blindflatearthernewcomp avatar

    also matt you arn’t even fallowing the thing you just witch was to stop listening to so called troles.

  104. radio729 avatar

    What exactly did you mean?

  105. dylanmac2 avatar

    yeah mat!

  106. radio729 avatar

    That server that I mentioned earlier was hacked. To be honest, I don’t really care. The person who owned the server kind of deserved it.
    By the way, it wasn’t me who hacked it but I have a pretty good idea who did.

  107. dylanmac2 avatar

    oh yes, it was me, and I even recorded it

  108. radio729 avatar

    Well Dylan, I guess you are going to get exposed, he was threatening to expose the person who did it. I worned you, I guess you didn’t take it seriously.

  109. dylanmac2 avatar

    well I really don’t care what that weed smoking little shit does anymore.

  110. mattcurtis3 avatar

    also what I meant was who’d you tell to fuck off, or for lack of a better turm, who’d you stop being influenced by, also sully I don’t get you bro, I’m ignoring dylanfake, but I’m also calling him out for his stupidity.

  111. dylanmac2 avatar

    if you really want to know? dane! I even destroyed his server

  112. radio729 avatar

    I can’t believe I’m saying this. Dylan, I am glad you destroyed Dane’s server. It is a way to get him back for all the crap he has done to people all these years. Although he is a bit better than he use to be.

  113. mattcurtis3 avatar

    I mean, I’m, just, gonna… stay out of this 1

  114. dylanmac2 avatar

    yeah, you do that.

  115. Matt,
    I would talk to Dylan privately about this but I can’t because he put me on his Black List here on Elten and I think he even blocked me on Skype.

  116. dylanmac2 avatar

    I mean, I can remove you if you so wish to talk to me about something, as long as it’s not spam

  117. Dylan,
    All I really want is to try to work this out. Come on, don’t you think this has gone on long enough? Does you treating me like crap have anything to do with Dane or his server? I don’t know why it would. Maybe you are angry and you are just taking it out on me, If that is the case, that is not the right way to handle it. Not only are you a jerk to me but you are being a jerk to others as well. What did they ever do to you?

  118. dylanmac2 avatar

    well, I suppose that argument is reasonable, if you want to work this out, we can

  119. You said that before. Are you being serious this time?

  120. dylanmac2 avatar


  121. I’m just glad we were able to work things out.

  122. dylanmac2 avatar


  123. mattcurtis3 avatar

    well, IDK if I can forgive dylan for all of this, I mean, I get he was angry, but, I don’t know, he might need a counsler or someone to help him, maybe anger management? just throwing ideas out.

  124. dylanmac2 avatar

    oh? you can’t forgive me? but you and multiple other people can forgive dane? when he did far worse things than me?

  125. Dylan,
    Some people like Matt only met Dane here on Elten, so I can kind of understand why they would forgive him, they don’t know what he was like when he was younger. By the way to Matt and others, do you know how often Dane said "sorry" to me? He has said it so many times that it doesn’t mean anything anymore.

  126. manny_0211 avatar

    and stop hacking servers! it’s not going to help with your problem! get some help!

  127. dylanmac2 avatar


  128. dylanmac2 avatar

    ok works I couldn’t add comments before because of some database error bullshit

  129. Weird.

  130. mattcurtis3 avatar

    BTW I’m not involved with the dane shit, so that doesn’t really work with me.

  131. dylanmac2 avatar


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