Author: dylanmac2

  • poor david

    guess what guys, @radio729 has a kidney disease, and he told me not to tell anyone, but here I am telling everyone because I hate him!

  • note about my server

    my teamtalk server will be hosted by me in the not too distant future, on the domain

  • wow

    JimPickens: Hey, You think banning me was a smart move? You’ve just opened Pandora’s box, and now there’s no turning back. By the time I’m done with you, you’ll wish you were never born. I have an army at my disposal, and we live for retribution. Lift this ban immediately. No excuses, no questioning. Do…

  • I, need, sourcecodes

    does anyone have a dropbox folder or something of sourcecodes? because I need sourcecodes now! now! now!

  • tt


  • introduction

    hi everyone: this is a new blog, if you want to be added to it just dm dylanmac2 on elten and we can figure something out: this blog can have anything from can openings to game plays, I don’t really mind what gets posted on here
